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Ask the experts: +39 0825 966035 | Large warehouse | Fast shipping | B2B Quote
205 products
Materials for implants
Il palo di testata 60 x 55 per vigneto è stato progettato con l'obbiettivo di sostenere lunghi filari di oltre 500 metri recanti notevoli carichi di peso. Appositamente disegnato per i vigneti meccanizzati, le apposite nervature sono state studiate per conferire al palo la necessaria portanza strutturale, idonea al sostegno dell'impianto in tutte le condizioni climatiche.

Materials for implants
Our plant materials help you transform an old vineyard into a modern, perfectly organized plant, reducing operating costs, optimizing processing times and improving the quality of your productions.
Our iron poles, designed to withstand the greatest stresses of the mechanical harvest, have been made taking care of the ribs in detail that strengthen them and guarantee their reliability. The hooks inside the section of this type of pole, have been made in such a way as to facilitate hooking and unhooking of the wires with great practicality, both mechanically and manually. Particular attention deserves the steel poles Corten S300JOW with improved corrosion resistance.
If you are looking for prestressed reinforced concrete poles, discover our prestressed concrete poles with 4 metal braids with smooth band and round corners, which are suitable for mechanized harvesting and offer considerable strength and elasticity. These poles can also be placed by mechanical means.
If you prefer, instead, wooden poles, take a look at our selection of chestnut or maritime pine poles, barked and pointed. Autoclave treated or untreated, of foreign or national origin, choose your favorite!
The vineyard poles and accessories can be further customized to measure.