How to build an electric fence for wild boars? Easy step-by-step guide

The electric fence for wild boar is the only really effective solution to avoid harmful intrusion into the vineyards of wild animals. Unlike noisy bollards and traps prohibited by law, a complete electric fence consisting of poles, wires, electrifier, insulators and various accessories, makes wild boars soon learn the prohibition of access to your vineyard. In fact, the electric shock generated by the electrifier, annoys the animal that tries to break into the vineyard causing the desired deterrent effect.
We at Di Pietro Viticoltura know that determining the quantity and type of material needed for the construction of an electric fence is not always easy, for this reason we have created an easy guide that explains step by step how to build, how to install and how it works an electric fence (taking into account the characteristics and location of your vineyards). Let's start!
How does an electric fence works?
Electric fencing systems work by supplying pulses of electric current to the fence cables at 1.3-second intervals. Therefore, the basis of the operation of all fences is the electrifier.
The electrifier is connected with the ground, through the grounding, and with the conductive material of the fence. When an animal touches the enclosure, the circuit closes and electricity flows from the electrifier, passes through the conductive material and through the animal, finally passes through the ground and returns to the electrifier via the grounding pole.
How to choose a good electrifier?
The higher the energy value (expressed in Joule), the stronger the electric shock released by the electrifier. Wild boars, having a very hard skin, have a greater resistance to electric shocks therefore to remove them we recommend high-performance electrifiers. Medium power electrifiers (with pulses up to 5 Joules) are ideal for medium-sized vineyards. On the other hand, electrifiers with pulses greater than 5 Joules are ideal for large fences with thick vegetation.
It is important that the electrifier has a good grounding so that electricity can flow through the fence, discharge to the ground and return to the electrifier unhindered.
In addition, to ensure proper operation of the electric fence, it is also necessary to have a good conductive material, complete with insulators in case wooden stakes or iron rods are used. Finally, to function properly the electric fence should be kept as free as possible from vegetation, which forces the battery to consume more energy and therefore leads to the unwanted loss of electricity.
Poles, conductive material and accessories
To complete the electric fence, it is necessary to calculate the number of poles essential to ensure a resistant and robust structure, both in flat and sloping sections. Starting from the linear meters of the plant, it is necessary to install a stake every 4 meters for flat sections and 1 pole every 2 meters for sloping sections, in order to strengthen the spaces where wild boars arrive at higher speeds.
As a conductive material, it is necessary to choose a high contrast wire (we recommend the 3x0.15 mm blue polywire conductive wire) that exerts a greater deterrent effect, being resistant to impacts, clearly visible and uncommon in nature. For an extra-resistant electric fence it is advisable to install 3 rows of wire, to be slid into the eyelets of plastic stakes or in the insulators of wooden rods or stakes, at a distance of 30, 50 and 80 cm from the ground.Then connect the three rows of conductive material with the connection cable equipped with heart terminals.
Finally, to complete the installation of the electric fence, it is necessary to mount door kits composed of springs and hooks, which allow access to the vineyard and allow the entry of agricultural vehicles up to 6 meters wide.
In addition, it is required by law that an electric fencing system placed near roads or public paths and paths, is clearly indicated with a warning sign. It is therefore necessary to fix clearly visible warning signs every 50 meters with the words "Attention electric fence".
How do I avoid mistakes in the installation?
The installation of the electric fence is very easy if you follow the instructions that we send together with the ordered goods. To avoid mistakes, follow exactly the points indicated in the assembly sheet that you will find inserted in the electrifier box.
And after installation.. Monitoring!
At the end of the installation, it is necessary to check the correct functioning of the fence. In fact, it often happens that thick vegetation, bushes or battered insulators cause energy dispersions by weakening the electrical flow. For this purpose, to identify any malfunctions of the fence it is recommended to use a line tester. With the use of a tester you go to check that in each point of the electric fence there are at least 2000 V.
Now the electric fence for wild boar is ready for use!
See you soon, bye!
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